GHK Real Estate, Inc.



  1. We will connect with you to get some basic information on the property
  2. If necessary, we will schedule a time to visit the property
  3. We will draft an purchase agreement using Minnesota Realtor approved forms to formalize the offer
  4. We will provide $1,000 earnest money deposit upon signing the contract
  5. If necessary, we will review the property with our contractors during the inspection period
  6. We will provide an additional $1,000 earnest money deposit once the inspection is approved
  7. Our title company will draft up all the closing documents
  8. We close and you get paid

Other information

  1. You do not need to make any repairs, we take care of all of that
  2. You will not need to pay any closing costs other than any taxes that might be owed (and we can discuss this if necessary)
  3. You do not need to attend closing if you do not want to
  4. Other than sign the necessary documents for the formal offer, provide access to the property (if necessary), and sign the closing documents, you do not need to do anything else with the property.

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Any communication receive from GHK Real Estate, Inc. is not an intent to solicit business if you are currently working with an agent. 

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